Level 14 <> Rogue
Far away I have traveled. Still haven't
found what I'm looking for." Miss my home of Smoke Pipe" I muttered as I stepped of that ship many years ago. I have
fought and loved. But untill I find the Dark Night, I will never sleep.
From..Grand Karameikos
Keep your friends close..
The enemy closer..
1st Officer
level <>
As young boy BurninDragon was raised by his Uncle as a Cleric of
Torm.He found his service was to The God of Dragons, Bahamut.It is in the Dragon Coast where, after he defeated one of Bahamut's
enemies,he was then deemed BurninDragon by the God of Dragons himself. Bahamut then promised him great riches for his service
and sent him in the realm of Ebberon. Then *Poof*
of Ordulin,
The Dragon Coast
"There is no good
Unless there is evil to
define what good is.."